A Virtuous Cycle: Sharing and Understanding

Philemon 1:3-7

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints."

The more we tend to share our faith with people, the more we fully understand how everything {history, prophecy, our everyday life, current events, relationships, nature} coheres to what God has done for us through Jesus. The more we are also inclined to equip ourselves in always being prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have and furthermore to do this with gentleness and respect, out of genuine love and concern. It also helps in further encouraging and refreshing our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Holy Spirit remind us to and equip us in actively sharing our faith through whatever medium of communication — through acts of service, through social media, through friendships, through the arts, and most importantly through lives well lived. We may not fully understand everything, but trust that in due time and as we continue to serve God, we will come to a fuller knowledge of what has been revealed. Continue Your good work in us, empower us that we measure up to Christlikeness. Help us in clearing the paths into the hearts and minds of our friends and family, and everyone else, for them to know, like and trust our Lord Jesus.



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